Like Dr Who’s Tardis, this shop is bigger on the inside than on the outside. Toby
Moy, who owns the business, comes from a family of antiques dealers – his
father Dick established it in 1954. It is one of the last remaining shops of its
kind in Greenwich,
Here you will find rusty fireplaces, Edwardian children’s beds and many other things, including a skeleton pub sign. Most of the stock comes from house clearances, making the whole expreince much more thrilling. You will even gain a great insight into the past.
Round every corner you are sure to discover something exciting! Stay long
enough and you may seriously start to consider buying a collection of rusty
saws or a beautiful pair of wooden crutches – but what will your family say
when you come home with all this stuff? Don’t panic: have a cup of tea! In the
back is a lovely tearoom with mismatched porcelain and brass samovar.